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Our products / Stainless pinch collars / Multicam cover for pinch collar
Multicam cover for pinch collar Multicam cover for pinch collar
Multicam cover for pinch collar Multicam cover for pinch collar
Multicam cover for pinch collar
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multicam nylon
€ 20,00
Price per piece

This high-quality cover collar is made from durable multicam nylon and is specifically designed for use with HS Sprenger prong collars.
The collar is 1,5 inch wide and provides robust protection.

Available in three sizes:

13-inch cover:
Suitable for a prong collar with a chain,
with a total collar length of 23 inches.

17-inch cover:
Suitable for a prong collar with a quick-release and 12 links,
with a total collar length of 20 inches.

19-inch cover:
Suitable for a prong collar with a quick-release and 14 links,
with a total collar length of 23 inches.

These cover collars combine functionality and comfort,
making them perfect for various training needs.


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