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Our products / Balls / Durafoam ball with rope 3.93 inch
Durafoam ball with rope 3.93 inch Durafoam ball with rope 3.93 inch
Durafoam ball with rope 3.93 inch Durafoam ball with rope 3.93 inch
Durafoam ball with rope 3.93 inch
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soft ball
€ 11,95
Price per piece

The Swing 'n Fling DuraFoam Fetch Ball
is virtually indestructible and specially designed for throwing
The rope makes the toy great for pushing and pulling games with your dog
With this colorful ball on the rope you can throw extra far
your dog will love to run after it
The ball, made of durable material
floats on the water and is safe for your dog's teeth

Ø 3.93 inch

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Finn's Home - 17-11-2021 18:57

De favorieten ballen voor de honden

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