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Bottcher tracking harness Bottcher tracking harness Bottcher tracking harness Bottcher tracking harness Bottcher tracking harness Bottcher tracking harness
Bottcher tracking harness Bottcher tracking harness Bottcher tracking harness Bottcher tracking harness Bottcher tracking harness Bottcher tracking harness
Bottcher tracking harness
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€ 25,00
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The Böttcher harness is an innovative tracking harness specially designed for guiding and training scent dogs.
What sets this harness apart is the way the tracking line is attached: underneath.
In contrast to traditional dog harnesses where the line is attached on top or on the side,
the Böttcher harness attaches the line underneath.

This positioning ensures that the line runs along the dog's belly, applying a gentle,
constant pressure on the neck and head of the dog.
This encourages the dog to keep its nose close to the ground while tracking.
As a result, the dog focuses more on following scent trails, as its natural instinct to use its nose is reinforced.

Through the right pressure and positioning of the line, the Böttcher harness ensures
that the dog feels comfortable while being encouraged to improve its tracking skills.
This makes it a valuable tool for both professional scent dogs and dogs trained for recreational tracking activities.
With the Böttcher harness, owners and trainers can effectively and kindly harness and develop their dogs' natural talents.

All tracking leashes are made by hand from supple quality leather
0.7 inch wide
Available in black or cognac brown

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